Before making an appointment, read the list of requirements for vaccinations.
How vaccinations take place
*Please note that the pre-vaccination check-up does not include the preparation and adjustment of vaccination schedules, advice on diseases and examinations. You must make an appointment for a consultation to address the aforementioned issues.
Check the availability of vaccines at 8(861)259-68-80
Vaccination to prevent diphtheria, tetanus |
vaccination |
542 |
Vaccination to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough |
Adasel |
vaccination |
3789 |
Prevention of measles, rubella, mumps |
vaccination |
1299 |
Priorix |
vaccination |
748 |
Rubella vaccine |
vaccination |
522 |
Measles vaccine |
vaccination |
578 |
Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps |
Vactrivir |
vaccination |
942 |
Vaccination to prevent viral hepatitis B |
Regevak |
vaccination |
662 |
Euwax |
vaccination |
628 |
Angerix |
vaccination |
662 |
Combiotek |
vaccination |
597 |
Vaccination to prevent viral hepatitis A |
Algavac M |
vaccination |
1703 |
Havrix 1440 |
vaccination |
2079 |
Avaxim |
vaccination |
2218 |
Influenza Vaccination |
Ultrix |
vaccination |
740 |
Ultrix quadri |
vaccination |
981 |
Vaxigripp |
vaccination |
748 |
Influvac |
vaccination |
737 |
Fluarix |
vaccination |
692 |
Flu M |
vaccination |
716 |
Grippol plus |
vaccination |
682 |
Vaccination to prevent yellow fever |
Yellow fever |
vaccination |
1589 |
Vaccination to prevent leptospirosis |
Leptospirosis inactivated vaccine |
vaccination |
850 |
Vaccination to prevent typhoid fever |
Wianwack |
vaccination |
1144 |
Vaccination to prevent tick-borne encephalitis |
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine |
vaccination |
1064 |
Encevir (Encevir Neo) |
vaccination |
1042 |
Vaccination to prevent rabies |
Anti-rabies vaccine KOKAV |
vaccination |
1019 |
Rabies vaccine |
vaccination |
1361 |
Vaccination to prevent meningococcal disease |
Mencevax |
vaccination |
2079 |
Menactra |
vaccination |
5579 |
Vaccination to prevent brucellosis |
Anti-brucellosis |
vaccination |
476 |
Vaccination to prevent dysentery |
Shigellwack |
vaccination |
1475 |
Vaccination to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) |
Gardasil |
vaccination |
11 586 |
Cervarix |
vaccination |
10 530 |
Vaccination to prevent pneumococcal infection |
Prevenar 13 |
vaccination |
2439 |
Pneumovax 23 |
vaccination |
2722 |
Vaccination to prevent Haemophilus influenzae |
Hiberix |
vaccination |
741 |
Vaccination to prevent chickenpox |
Varilrix |
vaccination |
4211 |
Varivax |
vaccination |
2611 |
Vaccination against staph infection |
Antiphagin staphylococcal |
vaccination |
731 |
Staphylococcal toxoid |
vaccination |
550 |
Vaccination to prevent polio |
Polimiles |
vaccination |
816 |
Poliorix |
vaccination |
741 |
Vaccination against mumps |
Live mumps vaccine |
vaccination |
513 |
Haematological tests |
Blood |
General blood test without formula |
227 |
General (clinical) blood count, expanded |
331 |
Determination of the osmotic resistance of red blood cells |
232 |
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate study |
98 |
Counting blood platelets in Fonio stained smears |
348 |
Examination of the level of reticulocytes in the blood |
294 |
Micro-precipitation reaction |
109 |
AB0 blood group determination (cross-match) |
396 |
Simultaneous determination of AB0 blood group and Rh group using gel technology |
594 |
Phenotyping of erythrocytes for clinically relevant antigens using gel technology |
608 |
General clinical examination |
Urine |
Detection of ketone bodies in urine by rapid method |
87 |
Determination of kidney concentration capacity by Zimnicki |
145 |
Urinalysis using the Nechiporenko method |
283 |
General (clinical) urinalysis |
199 |
Determining protein in urine |
129 |
Determining the amount of protein in daily urine |
101 |
Determination of amylase in urine |
283 |
Examination of urea levels in the urine |
142 |
Microscopic examination of urine for acid- and alcohol-resistant bacteria |
200 |
Serous cavity fluids |
Study of physico-chemical properties and microscopy of serous cavity fluids |
561 |
Cytological examination of peritoneal fluid |
460 |
Sputum |
General sputum analysis |
520 |
Microscopic examination of sputum for mycobacteria (Mycobacterium spp.) |
154 |
Microscopic examination of sputum for helminth larvae |
154 |
Microscopic examination of sputum smears for Cryptococcus neoformans |
157 |
Determination of antibodies to Cryptosporidium parvum in the blood |
817 |
Microscopic examination of sputum for Cryptosporidium cysts (Cryptosporidium parwum) |
172 |
Microscopic examination of sputum for pneumocystis jirovecii (carinii) |
175 |
Liquor |
General analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) |
534 |
Cytological examination of cerebrospinal fluid cells |
274 |
Study of glucose levels in cerebrospinal fluid |
109 |
Microscopic examination of the fibrin film of the cerebrospinal fluid |
75 |
Determination of Cryptococcus spp. fungus antigen in cerebrospinal fluid |
818 |
Duodenal6 contents |
General analysis of duodenal contents (amount, colour, transparency, microscopy) from three portions of bile |
286 |
Urinary tract excreta |
Examination of urinary tract secretions |
236 |
Gynaecological smear cytology |
429 |
Kal |
Determination of Clostridium difficile toxins in faecal samples |
868 |
Stool examination for hidden blood |
93 |
Stool examination for enterobiasis scrapings in 3 preparations |
206 |
Stool examination for helminths |
221 |
Coprological examination |
561 |
Stool examination for protozoa |
175 |
Stool examination for helminth eggs and protozoa using the ether formalin method |
428 |
Stool examination for protozoa and helminth eggs |
417 |
Microscopic examination of stool for Cryptosporidium parvum |
172 |
Examination of carbohydrates in stools |
151 |
Biochemical studies |
Protein and protein fractions |
Determination of total serum protein on a semi-automatic analyser |
163 |
Blood albumin determination on a semi-automatic analyser |
135 |
Determination of protein fractions in serum |
383 |
Nitrogen metabolism indicators |
Determination of serum creatinine on a semi-automatic analyser |
150 |
Determination of serum urea on a semi-automatic analyser |
140 |
Determination of serum uric acid on a semi-automatic analyser |
306 |
Examination of creatinine levels in urine |
163 |
Rehberg test: creatinine clearance, glomerular filtration rate on automatic analyser |
175 |
Glucose and carbohydrate metabolites |
Determining the glycaemic profile |
272 |
Glucose determination in venous (capillary) blood on a semi-automatic analyser |
284 |
Glucose determination (capillary blood) on a semi-automatic analyser |
284 |
Determination of glycosylated haemoglobin |
447 |
Lipids |
Determination of serum cholesterol on a semi-automatic analyser |
142 |
Determination of serum triglycerides on a semi-automatic analyser |
145 |
Determination of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in blood serum on an automatic analyser |
236 |
Determination of low-density lipoproteins in serum on an automatic analyser |
317 |
Pigment metabolism indicators |
Determination of total serum bilirubin on a semi-automatic analyser |
133 |
Examination of blood levels of bilirubin bound (conjugated) |
136 |
Enzyme research |
Determination of alanine aminotransferase in serum on a semi-automatic analyser |
185 |
Determination of aspartate aminotransferase in serum on a semi-automatic analyser |
185 |
Determination of alkaline phosphatase in serum on a semi-automatic analyser |
137 |
Determination of serum creatine phosphokinase activity (semi-automatic method) |
214 |
Determination of serum lactate dehydrogenase activity (semi-automatic method) |
137 |
Determination of gamma-glutamintransferase blood serum on a semi-automatic analyser |
169 |
Determination of blood cholinesterase activity |
194 |
Determination of serum amylase on a semi-automatic analyser |
140 |
Determination of serum lipase activity |
305 |
Electrolyte balance |
Determination of blood electrolytes: potassium, sodium, chlorine on an automatic analyser |
190 |
Examination of the sodium level in the cerebrospinal fluid |
181 |
Study of potassium levels in cerebrospinal fluid |
181 |
Examination of chloride levels in cerebrospinal fluid |
181 |
Urine chloride level survey |
190 |
Examination of urine sodium levels |
174 |
Urinary potassium test |
174 |
Determination of serum calcium on a semi-automatic analyser |
230 |
Determination of inorganic phosphorus in serum on a semi-automatic analyser |
168 |
Determination of serum magnesium |
227 |
A study of copper levels in the blood |
134 |
Indicators of iron metabolism |
Examination of serum iron levels |
247 |
Determination of serum iron-binding capacity on a semi-automatic analyser |
137 |
Examination of serum transferrin levels |
347 |
Examination of ferritin levels in the blood |
1 034 |
Other biochemical tests |
Examination of ceruloplasmin levels in the blood |
148 |
Acid-base status (ABC) study |
902 |
Determination of serum lactate (automatic method) |
445 |
Cardiac markers |
Determination of brain natriuretic propeptide levels in serum by immunochemiluminescent method |
3 134 |
Studies of blood levels of N-terminal fragment of brain natriuretic propeptide (NT-proBNP) |
248 |
Determination of CF - creatine phosphokinase fraction in serum on an automatic analyser |
1 325 |
Determination of the cardiac marker troponin I in serum by immunochemiluminescence on an automatic analyser |
1 091 |
Diagnosis of sepsis |
Determination of serum procalcitonin (semi-quantitative test) |
1 732 |
Determination of presepsin in blood by immunochemiluminescent method |
3 134 |
Examination of blood procalcitonin levels |
227 |
Cancer markers |
Examination of serum alpha-fetoprotein levels |
237 |
Tumour necrosis factor serum test |
355 |
Study of blood levels of adenogenic cancer antigen CA 19-9 |
261 |
Examination of blood levels of fetal cancer antigen |
244 |
Study of adenogen Ca 72-4 antigen levels in blood |
331 |
Determination of NSE serum cancer marker concentration by ELISA |
269 |
Prostate-specific antigen blood test |
227 |
Tumour-associated marker CA 15-3 in the blood |
279 |
Determination of the CA-125 cancer marker by enzyme immunoassay on an automated analyser |
251 |
Immunochromatography (rapid tests) |
Determination of antibodies to native DNA in serum by latexagglutination |
461 |
Determination of Epstein-Barr virus antibodies in serum by latexagglutination |
454 |
Immunoglobulin G(IgG) and M(IgM) determination for hepatitis A virus in serum by immunochromatography |
1 366 |
Hepatitis B virus antigen (HbsAg Hepatitis B virus) determination in blood by immunochromatography |
263 |
Determination of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (Hepatitis C virus) in serum by immunochromatography |
333 |
Determination of influenza A and B virus antigens in nasopharyngeal secretions by immunochromatography |
1 212 |
Determination of Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine by immunochromatography |
1 231 |
Immunochromatographic rapid stool examination for intestinal giardia (Giardia intestinalis) |
748 |
Determination of antibodies to mycobacteria (Micobacterium Tuberculosis) in the blood by immunochromatography |
734 |
Determination of Cryptococcus neoformans antigen in biological material by latex agglutination |
818 |
Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum antigen in faeces by immunochromatography |
750 |
Immunochromatographic rapid stool examination for Cryptosporidium |
750 |
Urine tests for narcotic, psychoactive, medicinal and intoxicating substances (opium, ephedrine, ephedrone, benzodiazepines, barbiturates) |
561 |
Examination of the haemostasis system |
Determining the thrombin time in the blood |
174 |
Determination of activated partial thromboplastin time in the blood on a semi-automatic analyser |
192 |
Determination of plasma antithrombin-III |
217 |
Determination of the international normalised ratio (INR) |
225 |
Determination of prothrombin clotting time on a semi-automatic analyser |
169 |
Determining the duration of bleeding |
165 |
Determination of plasma fibrinogen according to Clauss on an automatic analyser |
321 |
Prothrombin index determination on an automatic analyser |
148 |
Study of platelet aggregation |
1 544 |
Determination of D-dimer |
339 |
Thromboelastography |
6 232 |
Dynamic thrombophotometry |
1 366 |
Sukharev blood clotting time study |
166 |
Immunological research |
Comprehensive examination of immune status |
Determination of B-cell immunity: immunomorphological examination(units) |
4 014 |
Determination of the phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils |
804 |
Determination of serum immunoglobulin A (Ig A) on an automatic analyser |
200 |
Determination of serum immunoglobulin M (Ig M) on an automatic analyser |
196 |
Examination of the level of immunoglobulin G in the blood |
200 |
NST test: direct visual method. Determination of phagocytosis |
805 |
Examination of serum cryoglobulin levels |
346 |
Examination of C3 complement fraction levels |
344 |
Examination of C4 levels of complement fraction |
344 |
Other immunological tests |
Determination of interleukin 6 by enzyme immunoassay |
331 |
Examination of blood levels of 1,25-OH vitamin D |
938 |
Diagnosing rheumatic diseases |
Examination of serum C-reactive protein levels |
356 |
Determination of rheumatoid factor in serum on an automatic analyser |
587 |
Determination of anti-streptolysin-O in serum |
160 |
Blood microscopy for detection of LE cells |
634 |
Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases |
Determination of antibodies to muscle tissue antigens in the blood |
1 669 |
Determination of antimitochondrial antibodies (NIB) |
1 668 |
Determination of antibodies to cell nucleus antigens and DNA |
2 724 |
Determination of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in serum |
2 724 |
Hormonal investigations |
Determination of thyroid hormone in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
313 |
Examination of free triiodothyronine (T3) serum levels |
351 |
Quantification of free thyroxine in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
331 |
Determination of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase by enzyme immunoassay on a semi-automatic analyser |
349 |
Examination of the level of total testosterone in the blood |
237 |
Determination of prolactin in serum by ELISA |
238 |
Diagnosis of parasitic infections |
Opistorchosis |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to opisthorchis in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
252 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to opistorchosis in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
252 |
Echinococcosis |
Determination of antibodies to Echinococcus multilocularis in the blood |
266 |
Lambliasis |
Determination of total antibodies to Giardia lamblia antigens in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
260 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to Giardia intestinalis antigens in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
263 |
Determination of Giardia lamblia antigens in faecal samples |
263 |
Toxocarosis |
Determination of total antibodies to Toxocara antigens in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
255 |
Determination of Toxocara antibodies in serum by enzyme immunoassay, quantitative assay |
255 |
Trichinellosis |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to trichinella spp. in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
297 |
Determination of serum grade G antibodies (IgG) to Trichinella spp. |
301 |
Ascaridosis |
Determination of immunoglobulin G (IgG) to ascarid antigens (Ascaris lumbricoides) in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
286 |
Bacterial infections |
Determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in blood serum by enzyme immunoassay on an automated analyser |
267 |
Intestinal infections |
Determination of Rotavirus antigen in biological material by enzyme immunoassay |
248 |
Determination of Norovirus antigen in biological material by enzyme immunoassay |
272 |
Determination of adenovirus antigen in biological material by enzyme immunoassay |
272 |
Diagnosis of allergic conditions |
Examination of the level of total immunoglobulin E in the blood |
245 |
Malaria |
Microscopic blood smear examination for malaria plasmodia (manual method) |
596 |
Phyllariasis |
Microscopic examination of a blood smear for microfilariae |
137 |
Leishmaniasis |
Microscopic examination of blood for leishmaniasis |
120 |
Determination of antibodies to Leishmania (Leischmania) in the blood |
698 |
Schistosomiasis |
Microscopic examination of urine sediment for schistosome eggs (Schistosoma haematobium) |
128 |
Microbiological tests |
Immunoassay tests (ELISA) |
Hepatitis A |
Determination of class M antibodies (anti-HAV IgM) to hepatitis A virus (Hepatitis A virus) in the blood |
301 |
Detection of blood class G antibodies (anti-HAV IgG) to hepatitis A virus (Hepatitis A virus) |
305 |
Hepatitis B |
Determination of HBs- Ag in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
264 |
Determination of HBcor Ag antibodies in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
267 |
Determination of hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) class M antibodies to nuclear antigen (anti-HBc IgM) in the blood |
268 |
Determination of hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) nuclear antigen class G antibodies (anti-HBc IgG) in the blood |
236 |
Determination of HBe Ag in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
281 |
Determination of hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) e-antigen antibodies (anti-HBe) in the blood |
281 |
Determination of antibodies to HBs Ag in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
268 |
Confirmation of HBs Ag results in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
323 |
Hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) antigen (HBsAg) determination in blood, quantitative test |
491 |
Hepatitis C |
Determination of total class M and G antibodies (anti-HCV IgG and anti-HCV IgM) to hepatitis C virus (Hepatitis C virus) in the blood |
261 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to hepatitis C virus (HCcor-Ag) in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
259 |
Determination of immunogl. class M(IgM) and G(IgG) to Cor-Ag and NS proteins of hepatitis C virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
623 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) avidity to hepatitis C virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
1 415 |
Confirmation of serum At-HCV results by enzyme immunoassay |
346 |
Hepatitis D |
Determination of antibodies to hepatitis D virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
327 |
Determination of class M antibodies (anti-HDV IgM) to hepatitis D virus (Hepatitis D virus) in the blood |
331 |
Hepatitis E |
Determination of class M antibodies (anti-HEV IgM) to hepatitis E virus (Hepatitis E virus) in the blood |
477 |
Determination of class G antibodies (anti-HEV IgG) to hepatitis E virus (Hepatitis E virus) in the blood |
502 |
Herpes type 1,2 |
Determination of immunoglobulin M (IgM) to herpes virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
339 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to herpes virus type 1,2 in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
325 |
Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to the capsid antigen (VCA) of the Epstein-Barr virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
367 |
Determination of serum Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EA) class G immunoglobulins (IgG) by enzyme immunoassay |
358 |
Determination of serum Epstein-Barr virus nucleotide antigen (NA) class G immunoglobulins (IgG) by enzyme immunoassay |
358 |
Cytomegalovirus infection |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) in the blood |
339 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) in the blood |
324 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to cytomegalovirus precursor proteins in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
363 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to cytomegalovirus precursor proteins in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
363 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus class G immunoglobulin avidity in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
504 |
Rubella |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to rubella virus (Rubella virus) in the blood |
371 |
Determination of rubella virus class G (IgG) antibodies in the blood |
342 |
Determination of IgG avidity index for rubella virus (Rubella virus) antibodies in the blood |
518 |
Measles |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to measles virus in the blood |
472 |
Determination of measles virus class G (IgG) antibodies in the blood |
422 |
Chlamydia |
Determination of class A antibodies (IgA) to Chlamydia trachomatis in the blood |
323 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to Chlamydia trachomatis in the blood |
309 |
Pneumonia |
Determination of immunoglobulin M (IgM) to (Chlamydia pheumoniae) in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
367 |
Determination of immunoglobulin G (IgG) to Chlamydia pheumoniae in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
357 |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) Mycoplasma pneumonia by enzyme immunoassay |
367 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to Mycoplasma pneumonia by enzyme immunoassay |
358 |
Determination of Mycoplasma pneumoniae class A immunoglobulins (IgA) by enzyme immunoassay |
367 |
Toxoplasmosis |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii) in the blood |
403 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii) in the blood |
324 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) avidity to Toxoplasma gondii in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
523 |
Borreliosis |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to the causative agent of ixodid tick-borreliosis Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato |
379 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to tick-borne ixodid borreliosis pathogens Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato |
365 |
West Nile Fever (WNF) |
Determination of immunoglobulin G (IgG) to West Nile virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
469 |
Determination of West Nile virus immunoglobulin G (IgG) avidity by enzyme immunoassay |
610 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class M (IgM) to West Nile virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
490 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to West Nile virus in cerebrospinal fluid by enzyme immunoassay |
469 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to West Nile virus in cerebrospinal fluid by enzyme immunoassay |
490 |
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) |
Determination of immunoglobulin G (IgG) to Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
692 |
Determination of immunoglobulin M (IgM) to Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
692 |
Chickenpox, shingles (herpes zoster type 3) |
Determination of class G immunoglobulins (IgG) to glycoprotein E of Varicella-Zoster virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
395 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to Varicella Zoster virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
395 |
Determination of class G immunoglobulins (IgG) to Varicella Zoster virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
394 |
Yersinosis |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) for Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
440 |
Determination of class A immunoglobulins (IgA) to Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
440 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) for Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
427 |
Candidiasis |
Determination of immunoglobulin class A (IgA) to Candida albicans fungi in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
392 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to Candida albicans fungi in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
392 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to Candida albicans in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
385 |
Determination of class M immunoglobulins (IgM) to hantaviruses in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
505 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to hantaviruses in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
506 |
Determination of antibodies to GLPS pathogens in serum by indirect immunofluorescence |
1 299 |
Parotitis |
Determination of immunoglobulin class M (IgM) to mumps virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
624 |
Determination of immunoglobulin class G (IgG) to mumps virus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
644 |
Tetanus |
Determination of class G antibodies (Ig G) to Clostridium tetani in the blood by enzyme immunoassay |
898 |
Parvovirus |
Determination of class M antibodies (IgM) to parvovirus B19 (ParvovirusB19 ) in the blood |
876 |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to parvovirus B19 (ParvovirusB19) in the blood |
805 |
Diphtheria |
Determination of class G antibodies (IgG) to diphtheria toxoid in the blood by enzyme immunoassay |
876 |
Definition of COVID |
Determination of class M antibodies (lgM) to SARS-CoV-2 coronovirus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
592 |
Determination of class G antibodies (lgG) to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus) in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
592 |
Determination of total immunoglobulins of classes A (lgA), M (LgM ), G (LgG) separately to the nucleocapsid and the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 coronovirus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
1 033 |
Quantification of immunoglobulin class G (LgG) to SARS-CoV-2 coronovirus in serum by enzyme immunoassay |
904 |
Molecular biological diagnosis (PCR) |
COVID diagnostics |
Determination of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA in nasopharyngeal mucosa smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 250 |
Determination of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA in oropharyngeal mucosa smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 250 |
Determination of SARS coronavirus RNA (SARS-CoV-2) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 250 |
Determination of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus RNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by polymerase chain reaction |
1 250 |
Hepatitis A |
Determination of hepatitis A virus (Hepatitis A virus) RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 249 |
Molecular biological examination of faeces for hepatitis A virus (Hepatitis A virus) |
1 259 |
Hepatitis B |
Determination of hepatitis B virus DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction using hybridisation-fluorescence detection |
1 120 |
Determination of hepatitis B virus DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction 9 follow-up study) |
1 131 |
Hepatitis B virus DNA quantification by polymerase chain reaction |
1 610 |
Hepatitis B virus (Hepatitis B virus) genotype determination |
2 143 |
Hepatitis C |
Determination of hepatitis C virus RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction using hybridisation-fluorescence detection |
1 163 |
Hepatitis C virus (Hepatitis C virus) genotype determination |
1 307 |
Hepatitis C virus RNA quantification by polymerase chain reaction |
2 128 |
Hepatitis D |
Determination of hepatitis D virus (Hepatitis D virus) RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 259 |
Hepatitis G |
Determination of hepatitis G virus RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 336 |
Cytomegalovirus infection |
Molecular biological blood test for cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) |
1 050 |
Determination of Cytomegalovirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction in peripheral and umbilical cord blood, quantitative test |
1 145 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 031 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, quantitative test |
1 151 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) DNA by polymerase chain reaction in saliva, qualitative test |
1 048 |
Determination of Cytomegalovirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction in saliva, quantitative test |
1 137 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 063 |
Determination of cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 042 |
Determination of Cytomegalovirus DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction, quantitative test |
1 137 |
Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) |
Determination of Epstein-Barr virus (virus Epstein-Barr) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, quantitative test |
1 126 |
Determination of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in biological by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 175 |
Determination of Epstein-Barr virus (virus Epstein-Barr) DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 137 |
Quantification of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in plasma by polymerase chain reaction |
1 145 |
Determination of Epstein-Barr virus DNA by polymerase chain reaction in saliva |
1 137 |
Papillomavirus (16,18) |
Determination of Papilloma virus type 16 and 18 DNA in cervical canal scrapings by PCR method, qualitative examination |
1 058 |
Herpes (type 1,2) |
Determination of herpes simplex virus 1,2 (Herpes simplex virus 1,2) DNA in blood serum by polymerase chain reaction |
1 114 |
Determination of herpes simplex virus 1,2 (Herpes simplex virus 1,2) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up examination) |
1 096 |
Determination of DNA from Herpes simplex virus types 1, 2 in vesicular fluid, rash scrapings by polymerase chain reaction |
1 143 |
Determination of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 107 |
Determination of herpes simplex virus 1,2 (Herpes simplex virus 1,2) DNA in saliva by polymerase chain reaction |
1 107 |
Herpes (type 6) |
Determination of herpes virus type 6 (HHV6) DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 210 |
Determination of herpes virus type 6 (HHV6) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 184 |
Determination of herpes type 6 DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 259 |
Determination of herpes simplex virus type 6 DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 177 |
Molecular biological saliva test for human herpes virus type 6 (HHV 6) |
1 195 |
Herpes (type 3) |
Determination of varicella-zoster virus (Varicella-Zoster virus) DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 009 |
Determination of varicella-zoster virus DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
991 |
Determination of varicella-Zoster DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 056 |
Parvovirus B19 |
Determination of parvovirus B19 DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 286 |
Determination of parvovirus B19 DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 267 |
Determination of parvovirus B19 DNA in biopsy and smear samples from organ and tissue lesions by polymerase chain reaction |
1 332 |
Whooping cough |
Determination of pertussis pathogen (Bordetella pertussis) DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 928 |
Chlamydia |
Determination of chlamydial DNA (Chlamydia trachomatis) in cytological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 124 |
Determination of chlamydial DNA (Chlamydia trachomatis) in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 141 |
Chlamydophiliasis |
Determination of Chlamydophila pneumonie DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 041 |
Determination of Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA in oropharyngeal mucosa smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 077 |
Determination of Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by PCR |
1 041 |
Ureaplasmosis |
Determination of Ureaplasma spp DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 124 |
Mycoplasmosis |
Determination of mycoplasma hominis DNA in plasma by polymerase chain reaction |
1 091 |
Determination of Mycoplasma hominis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 072 |
Determination of mycoplasma hominis DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up examination) |
1 137 |
Determination of Mycoplasma hominis DNA in female genital mucosal secretions by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 120 |
Determination of mycoplasma genitalis DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 120 |
Determination of Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 072 |
Determination of Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA in sputum by polymerase chain reaction |
1 064 |
Determination of Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 064 |
Candidiasis |
Determination of Candida albicans DNA in blood plasma by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 089 |
Determination of Candida albicans DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 071 |
Determination of Candida albicans DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 082 |
Determination of Candida albicans DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up study) |
1 136 |
Determination of Candida albicans DNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by polymerase chain reaction |
1 082 |
Determination of Candida fungi DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 708 |
Determination of Candida fungi DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 690 |
Determination of Candida DNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by polymerase chain reaction |
1 683 |
Purulent meningitis |
Determination of pneumococcal DNA (Streptococcus pneumoniae) in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 030 |
Determination of pneumococcal DNA (Streptococcus pneumoniae) in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 055 |
Determination of meningococcal DNA (Neisseria meningitidis) in oropharyngeal mucosa smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 948 |
Determination of Streptococcus pneumoniae DNA in oropharyngeal mucosa smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 084 |
Detection of purulent meningitis pathogens (N.meningitidis Str.pneumoniae H.influenzae) in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 901 |
Detection of purulent meningitis pathogens (N.meningitidis Str.pneumoniae H.influenzae) in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 919 |
Enterovirus infection |
Molecular biological blood test for non-polio enteroviruses (Enterovirus) |
1 490 |
Determination of non-poliomyelitis enterovirus (Enterovirus) RNA in cerebrospinal fluid samples by polymerase chain reaction |
1 471 |
Determination of enterovirus DNA in faecal samples by polymerase chain reaction |
1 500 |
Determination of Enterovirus RNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 536 |
Toxoplasmosis |
Molecular biological blood test for toxoplasmas (Toxoplasma gondii) |
1 239 |
Determination of toxoplasma (Toxoplasma gondii) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 221 |
Determination of toxoplasma DNA (Toxoplasma gondii) in cytological material by polymerase chain reaction (follow-up examination) |
1 268 |
Determination of toxoplasma DNA (Toxoplasma gondii) in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 232 |
Tick-borne infections |
Determination of Borellia burgdorferi RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 121 |
Determination of Borellia burgdorferi RNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 102 |
Determination of B. burgdoferi, A. phagocytophillum, E. chaffensis/E muris in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
2 248 |
Determination of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 119 |
Determination of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 101 |
West Nile Fever (WNF) |
Determination of West Nile virus RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 762 |
Determination of West Nile virus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 743 |
Flu and acute respiratory infections |
Determination of influenza A and B virus RNA in nasal mucosa scrapings by polymerase chain reaction |
1 552 |
Determination of influenza A virus (H1 swine) RNA in nasal mucosa scrapings by polymerase chain reaction |
1 593 |
Determination of influenza A virus (H1 swine) RNA in sputum by polymerase chain reaction |
1 557 |
Determination of RNA/DNA from ARVI pathogens (screen) in clinical specimens by polymerase chain reaction (RS, metapneumovirus, parainfluenza, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, AD, bocavirus) |
4 171 |
Tuberculosis |
Determination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) DNA in sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or bronchial lavage water by polymerase chain reaction |
1 140 |
Determination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
1 143 |
Determination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 136 |
Determination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
1 125 |
Legionellosis |
Determination of Legionella pheumophila DNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates), by polymerase chain reaction |
1 361 |
Determination of Legionella pneumophila DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 415 |
Determination of Legionella pneumophila DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 361 |
Determination of Legionella pneumophila DNA in an oropharyngeal swab by polymerase chain reaction |
1 397 |
Listeriosis |
Listeria monocytogenes DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction in blood, qualitative test |
1 444 |
Determination of Listeria monocytogenes DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
1 491 |
Determination of Listeria monocytogenes DNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
1 437 |
Determination of Listeria monocytogenes DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction, qualitative test |
1 426 |
Listeria monocytogenes DNA in oropharyngeal smears by polymerase chain reaction |
1 297 |
Intestinal infections |
Determination of rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus RNA in faeces by polymerase chain reaction |
1 659 |
Determination of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae DNA (Shigella, Enteroinvasive E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter) in faeces by polymerase chain reaction |
1 556 |
Determination of DNA/RNA of rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, shigella, enteroinvasive E. coli, salmonella, campylobacter in faeces by polymerase chain reaction |
1 764 |
Other infections |
Determination of Pneumocystis jirovecii (carinii) DNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by polymerase chain reaction |
1 697 |
Determination of Pneumocystis jirovecii (carinii) DNA in biomaterial by polymerase chain reaction |
1 751 |
Determination of Cryptococcus neoformans DNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
2 027 |
Determination of Cryptococcus neoformans RNA in sputum (induced sputum, pharyngo-tracheal aspirates) by polymerase chain reaction |
2 015 |
Determination of Cryptococcus neoformans DNA in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction |
2 023 |
Determination of Cryptococcus neoformans DNA in biomaterial by polymerase chain reaction |
2 087 |
Determination of Dengue virus (Dengue virus) RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
5 755 |
Determination of Dengue virus (Dengue virus) RNA in urine by polymerase chain reaction |
5 760 |
Determination of Dengue virus (Dengue virus) RNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
5 814 |
Determination of Coxiella burnetii DNA in blood by PCR |
4 195 |
Determination of Cu-fever pathogen (Coxiellaburnetii) DNA in biological material by polymerase chain reaction |
4 265 |
Determination of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus RNA in blood by polymerase chain reaction |
4 195 |
Bacteriological tests |
Serological tests |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocyte salmonellosis (Vi) diagnosticum |
397 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocyte salmonellosis complex diagnosticum |
413 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocytic meningococcal diagnosticum (A) |
396 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocytic meningococcal diagnosticum (C) |
396 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with a single erythrocyte brucellosis diagnostic agent |
619 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocytic yersiniae diagnosticum (O3) |
619 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocytic yersiniae diagnosticum (O9) |
619 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocytic pseudotuberculosis diagnosticum |
619 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with a single erythrocyte tularaemia diagnosticum |
426 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with one erythrocyte diphtheria diagnosticum |
420 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with two erythrocytic yersinia antigenic diagnosticums (O3,O9) |
1 105 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with two meningococcal erythrocyte diagnosticums (A,C) |
658 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with three erythrocyte shigellosis diagnosticums |
1 562 |
Passive haemagglutination reaction with six salmonella antigenic diagnosticums |
1 761 |
Agglutination reaction with one pertussis diagnostic kit |
833 |
Agglutination reaction with one paracocoebrile diagnosticum |
833 |
Agglutination reaction with one tularaemia diagnosticum |
441 |
Heddelson's response |
406 |
Wright and Haddelson's reaction |
551 |
Complement binding reaction with Provacek blood antigen (primary determination) |
2 860 |
Complement binding reaction with Provacek blood antigen (follow-up determination) |
1 087 |
Leptospira agglutination reaction |
2 663 |
Detection of botulinum toxins in a neutralisation reaction on laboratory animals |
2 579 |
Microbiological tests on blood |
Microbiological examination of blood in the absence of micro-organisms |
519 |
Microbiological examination of blood in the isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
618 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to species of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 199 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to Corynebacterium genus species |
956 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to species of the genus Pseudomonas |
1 087 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to Staphylococcus aureus species |
1 138 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to Neisseria family species |
1 144 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to genera Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 196 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to species of Enterobacteriaceae family according to 4-8 tests |
1 028 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to species of Enterobacteriaceae family according to 12 - 14 tests |
1 364 |
Microbiological (culture) blood test for yeast fungi |
965 |
Microbiological examination of blood with identification to Haemophilus genus species |
1 295 |
Blood test for anaerobic bacteria on an automatic BacT/ALERT analyser |
1 553 |
Children's blood test for bacteria on a BacT/ALERT automatic analyser |
1 553 |
Blood test for aerobic micro-organisms on an automatic BacT/ALERT analyser |
1 553 |
Microbiological examination of stools for diphtheria, typhoid paratyphoid germs, yersinosis and food-borne toxicoinfections |
Bacteriological examination of stools for pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae |
646 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of faecal/rectal smears for dysentery pathogen (Shigella spp.) |
301 |
Bacteriological examination of stool for enteropathogenic and enteroinvasive Escherichiae on 3-sugar agar |
742 |
Bacteriological examination of stools for enteropathogenic Escherichia coli with identification |
1 662 |
Bacteriological examination of stool for dysentery pathogen with colony sampling on 3-sugar agar |
555 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of faecal/rectal smears for Yersinia enterocolitica |
1 171 |
Bacteriological examination of stools for dysentery with pathogen identification |
1 957 |
Agglutination reaction on glass with cultures of families (Salmonella spp.), (Shigella spp.), Escherichiae up to 10 strains simultaneously |
324 |
Agglutination reaction on glass for each subsequent with cultures of the families (Salmonella spp.), (Shigella spp.), Escherichiae. |
227 |
Phagotyping of typhoid pathogens (per 1 culture) |
1 008 |
Phagotyping of paratyphoid pathogens (per 1 culture) |
725 |
Colicinotyping (one strain) |
1 291 |
Bacteriological examination of stools for Enteroinvasive Escherichiae with identification |
1 662 |
Bacteriological examination of stool for Yersiniae (Yersiniaspp.) with sampling on 3-sugar agar |
930 |
Fecal bacteriological examination for salmonella without colony sampling |
445 |
Fecal bacteriological examination for Yersinia spp. without colony sampling |
645 |
Bacteriological examination for material in food-borne toxocoinfections for Enterobacteriaceae and cocci group. |
4 385 |
Bacteriological examination for Salmonella (blood, urine, bile, faeces) with colony sampling on 3 sugar agar |
720 |
Microbiological (culture) blood test for typhoid paratyphoid germs |
713 |
Stool microbiological tests for dysbacteriosis |
Examination of the gut microbiocenosis (dysbiosis) |
2 845 |
Stool microbiological tests for cholera |
Fecal bacteriological examination for cholera without colony sampling |
973 |
Bacteriological examination of stools for cholera with identification to species |
3 515 |
Fecal bacteriological examination for cholera with colony sampling |
1 660 |
Microbiological tests for urine sterility |
Microbiological examination of urine for flora and antibiotic sensitivity (CFU/ml) |
687 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens if no micro-organisms are present or their numbers are below diagnostic titres |
449 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 12-14 tests |
1 134 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 081 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 8 tests |
828 |
Microbiological examination of urine with identification of Candida fungi |
794 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 068 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Corynebacterium |
966 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with Neisseria identification |
1 045 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Pseudomonads |
1 084 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Haemophiles |
1 084 |
Microbiological examination of urine with identification to Staphylococcus aureus species |
999 |
Microbiological examination of urine for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens in the isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
512 |
Microbiological examination of bile for typhoid paratyphoid germs, microflora |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms in the absence of micro-organisms |
652 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with morphological properties |
664 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with 14 tests for identification of Enterobacteriaceae |
1 298 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Candida fungi |
941 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 8 tests |
757 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Corynebacterium |
1 125 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 300 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 188 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with Neisseria identification |
1 208 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Staphylococcus aureus |
1 186 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Pseudomonads |
1 169 |
Bacteriological examination of bile for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Haemophiles |
1 214 |
Microbiological examination of the urogenital tract for microflora |
Microbiological examination of male genital secretions for flora and antibiotic sensitivity |
770 |
Microbiological examination of female genital secretions for flora and antibiotic sensitivity |
770 |
Microbiological examination of female genital secretions for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms in the absence of micro-organisms |
526 |
Microbiological examination of female genitalia with identification of Candida fungi (Candida spp.) |
925 |
Microbiological examination of genital secretions with identification to species of the Enterobacteriaceae family according to 8 tests |
992 |
Microbiological examination of genital secretions with identification to species of non-fermenting bacteria |
1 155 |
Microscopic examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with methylene blue staining |
291 |
Microbiological examination of genital secretions with identification to genus Corynebacterium species |
1 090 |
Microbiological examination of genital secretions with identification up to species of the Enterobacteriaceae family according to 14 tests |
1 213 |
Microbiological examination of genital secretions with identification to Staphylococcus aureus genus |
1 094 |
Microbiological examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 110 |
Microbiological examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Pseudomonads |
1 052 |
Microbiological examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with Neisseria identification |
1 026 |
Microbiological examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Haemophiles |
1 167 |
Microscopic examination of female genitalia for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with Gram staining |
319 |
Microbiological examination of biological material for Listeria |
1 233 |
Microbiological examination of pharyngeal and nasal secretions for microflora |
Bacteriological examination of nasal discharge for Staphylococcus aureus |
535 |
Bacteriological examination of mucus from tonsils and the back of the pharynx for Staphylococcus aureus |
535 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal discharge for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity |
1 102 |
Bacteriological examination of mucus from tonsils and the back of the pharynx for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity |
1 102 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) if no micro-organisms are present |
486 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 070 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 4-8 tests |
900 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of nasopharyngeal wipes for yeast fungi |
802 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with Neisseria identification |
1 058 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Corynebacteria |
962 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 12-14 tests |
905 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Haemophils |
1 077 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 010 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions for the isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
466 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Staphylococcus aureus |
1 015 |
Bacteriological examination of nasal and nasopharyngeal secretions (each separately) with identification of Pseudomonads |
980 |
Microbiological tests for meningococcus |
Bacteriological examination of nasopharyngeal mucus for meningococcus without colony sampling |
543 |
Bacteriological examination of nasopharyngeal mucus for meningococcus with identification |
2 231 |
Microbiological tests for diphtheria |
Bacteriological examination of biological material for diphtheria pathogens without colony sampling |
942 |
Bacteriological examination of mucus and films from tonsils for diphtheria bacillus (Corinebacterium diphtheriae) |
1 046 |
Microbiological examination of sputum for microflora |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics (CFU/ml) |
1 504 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms below diagnostic titres |
779 |
Microbiological examination of sputum for isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
1 495 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Haemophiles |
1 502 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of sputum for yeast fungi |
1 297 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Streptococci and Enterococci |
1 430 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 14 tests |
1 562 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with Neisseria identification |
1 482 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Corynebacterium |
1 381 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 484 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Pseudomonads |
1 395 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 8 tests |
1 154 |
Bacteriological examination of sputum for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with identification of Staphylococcus aureus |
1 425 |
Microbiological examination of wound discharge, breast milk, ears for microflora |
Bacteriological examination of wound discharge for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity |
794 |
Bacteriological examination of breast milk for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity |
794 |
Bacteriological examination of ear discharges for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics |
923 |
Microbiological examination of pus, detached wounds, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates and others, in the absence of micro-organisms |
579 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge for bacteria belonging to the genus Carynebacterium |
1 073 |
Bacteriological examination of purulent discharge from wounds, abscesses, exudates, transudates for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with isolation of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
1 128 |
Bacteriological examination of purulent discharge from wounds, abscesses, transudates, exudates for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with isolation of Staphylococcus aureus |
1 125 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge, transudates, exudates for Candida fungi (Candida spp.) |
980 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates, etc., with identification to species of Enterobacteriaceae family according to 14 tests |
1 239 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates, etc., with identification to species of Enterobacteriaceae family according to 8 tests |
974 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound effusions, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates, etc., with identification to species of the family Neisseria |
1 169 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates and others, with identification to the genus Haemophilus species |
1 177 |
Bacteriological examination of purulent discharge from wounds, abscesses, transudates, exudates for aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms with isolation of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 192 |
Microbiological examination for obligate anaerobic bacteria with identification of the genus Bacteroides |
1 419 |
M/study for obligate anaerobic bacteria, culture in the absence of micro-organisms |
546 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of wound discharge for gas gangrene pathogens (Clostridium spp.) |
1 288 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound discharge, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates, etc., in the isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
613 |
Microbiological examination of pus, wound effusions, infiltrates, abscesses, transudates, exudates, etc., with identification to the genus Pseudomonas |
1 069 |
Microbiological examination of eye discharges for microflora |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for microflora and antibiotic sensitivity |
682 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens in the absence of micro-organisms |
447 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with morphological properties |
501 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival fluid with identification of Candida fungi (Candida spp.) |
824 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival sediment for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
1 073 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Enterobacteriaceae 14 tests |
1 135 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Corynebacterium |
965 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Streptococci and Enterococci |
1 011 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Pseudomonads |
980 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Staphylococcus aureus |
1 006 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with Neisseria identification |
1 092 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Haemophiles |
1 085 |
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 8 tests |
1 076 |
Microbiological tests for pertussis and paracocclusis |
Bacteriological examination of mucus from the back of the pharynx for pertussis (Bordetella pertussis) and paracoconvulsitis without colony sampling |
803 |
Bacteriological examination of mucus from the back of the pharynx for Bordetella pertussis and paracocclusis with identification |
1 098 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens in the isolation of micro-organisms with the study of morphological properties |
696 |
Microscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid with native Gram staining |
346 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus |
708 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with 14 tests for identification of Enterobacteriaceae |
854 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Enterobacteriaceae according to 8 tests |
735 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Staphylococcus aureus |
711 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid with identification of fungi of the genus Aspergillus |
628 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria |
953 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid with detection of Candida yeast-like fungi |
630 |
Microbiological (culture) examination of cerebrospinal fluid for meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) |
1 120 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Corynebacteria |
695 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Pseudomonads |
857 |
Microbiological examination of cerebrospinal fluid for aerobic and facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogens with identification of Haemophiles |
997 |
Determination of sensitivity to therapeutic and diagnostic drugs |
Determination of microbial sensitivity to antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents by disc-diffusion method |
387 |
Determining the sensitivity of micro-organisms to bacteriophages |
318 |
Complex of sanitary and bacteriological tests to control the sterility of dressings |
2 095 |
Sanitary-bacteriological examination of wipes of examined objects for the presence of pathogenic staphylococci |
2 717 |
Sanitary and bacteriological examination of the air using the aspiration method of collection of test material |
1 739 |
Microbiological examination of micro-organisms using automatic bacteriological analysers |
Determination of the sensitivity of micro-organisms to antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents using automatic analysers |
1 470 |
Identification of Gram-positive cocci on an automatic analyser |
1 470 |
Identification of Gram-negative bacilli on an automatic analyser |
1 470 |
Identification of yeast-like fungi on an automatic analyser |
1 470 |
Microbiological tests |
Smear staining of smears from pathological lesions (Gram stain) |
479 |
Biochemical identification of anaerobic micro-organisms Gram+ bacilli Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus, Clostridium spp. |
499 |
Biochemical identification of Enterobacteriaceae using 8 tests (routine method) |
475 |
Biochemical identification of Enterobacteriaceae using 14 tests (routine method) |
673 |
Biochemical identification of non-fermenting Gram-negative bacteria (routine method) |
922 |
Biochemical identification of Streptococci and Enterococci (routine method) |
525 |
Biochemical identification of Candida fungi (routine method) |
318 |
Biochemical identification of Corynebacteria (routine method) |
527 |
Biochemical identification of Haemophiles (routine method) |
644 |
Biochemical identification of Neisseria (routine method) |
604 |
Biochemical identification of Pseudomonads (routine method) |
510 |
Biochemical identification of micro-organisms to Staphylococcus aureus species (routine method) |
557 |
X-ray services |
X-ray of the lungs |
460 |
X-ray of the chest in two projections |
588 |
X-ray of the spine, vertical |
588 |
X-ray of the entire skull, in one or more projections |
588 |
X-ray of the paranasal sinuses |
460 |
Radiography of the lower jaw in two projections |
588 |
Radiography of the bones of the facial skeleton |
460 |
X-ray of the temporal bone |
588 |
X-ray of the clavicle |
437 |
X-ray of the scapula |
588 |
Radiography of the rib(s) |
716 |
X-ray of the sternum |
1101 |
X-ray of the whole pelvis |
460 |
Examination (consultation) by a radiologist therapeutic |
246 |
Radiography of the upper limb |
588 |
Radiography of the lower limb |
588 |
CT scan |
Computed tomography of the facial part of the skull |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the upper limb |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the lower limb |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the spine (one section) |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the joint |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the maxillofacial area |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the orbit |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the upper respiratory tract and neck |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the chest |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the pelvic organs |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the adrenal glands |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the brain |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the temporal bone |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space |
1 836 |
Computed tomography of the facial part of the skull with intravenous bolus contrast |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the upper limb with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the lower limb with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the spine with intravenous enhancement (one section) |
9040 |
Computed - tomographic antiography of the thoracic aorta |
9040 |
Computed tomographic angiography of the abdominal aorta |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the orbit with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses with intravenous bolus contrasting |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the neck with intravenous bolus contrast |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the chest organs with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the pelvic organs with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the adrenal glands with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the brain with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the temporal bone with intravenous bolus contrast enhancement |
9040 |
Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space with intravenous bolus contrasting |
9040 |
Description and interpretation of CT scans |
867 |
Consultation of a radiologist |
1 113 |
Ultrasound diagnostics |
Ultrasound examination of the liver |
572 |
Ultrasound examination echocardiology |
1321 |
Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder |
447 |
Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder with the determination of its contractility |
1384 |
Ultrasound examination of the pancreas |
572 |
Ultrasound examination of the spleen |
572 |
Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands |
572 |
Bladder ultrasound |
447 |
Ultrasound examination of the prostate |
572 |
Ultrasound determination of fluid in the abdominal cavity |
368 |
Triplex scanning of the veins of the portal system |
1046 |
Ultrasound examination of soft tissues (one anatomical zone) |
572 |
Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland with color Doppler mapping |
685 |
Ultrasonic elastometry of the liver |
1707 |
It provides hospitalization of the most complex and severe infectious patients from all cities and regions of the Krasnodar Territory, being the regional specialized treatment and diagnostic center for infectious pathology.
"Specialized clinical infectious diseases hospital" provides round-the-clock medical care (including emergency and emergency) to adult infectious patients of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region. In 2018, the hospital celebrated 115 years.
Today our hospital is a high level of medical care, the latest equipment and high-tech methods of treatment and diagnostics.
More than 9,000 people receive round-the-clock medical care in the hospital every year, and more than 20,000 receive counselling.
We keep the best traditions and unique practical experience of founders and veterans of infectious service of Kuban. At the same time, we successfully combine it with modern methods of treatment.
The laboratory of the hospital is equipped with modern high-tech equipment and has the ability to perform bacteriological, general clinical, enzyme immunological, biochemical studies, studies by PCR diagnosis.
Complexes for laboratory examination
№ |
название комплекса |
название услуги краткое |
Стоимость |
1 |
Обследование на наличие гепатита (первичное) |
HBsAg |
172,00 |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
182,00 |
169,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
Итого: |
781,00 |
2 |
Обследование на наличие гепатита В (развернутое) |
HBsAg |
172,00 |
Anti-HBcor-IgM |
193,00 |
Anti-HBcor-IgG |
196,00 |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
HBeAg |
210,00 |
Anti- HBeAg-IgG |
207,00 |
Anti HDV-сум. |
232,00 |
ДНК НВV качественный |
837,00 |
Колич ДНК HBV |
1 553,00 |
Общий белок |
109,00 |
Альбумины |
112,00 |
Глюкоза |
114,00 |
182,00 |
169,00 |
Общий билирубин |
120,00 |
Прямой билирубин |
117,00 |
Щелочная фосфатаза |
124,00 |
138,00 |
Креатинин |
126,00 |
Мочевина |
114,00 |
Мочевая кислота |
216,00 |
Сывороточное железо |
197,00 |
Холестерин |
116,00 |
Амилаза крови |
123,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
Итого: |
5 935,00 |
3 |
Обследование при наличии гепатита С (развернутое) |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
Anti HCVcor-IgM |
187,00 |
Anti HCVcor-IgG, NS- 3,4,5 |
435,00 |
РНК HCV качеств |
897,00 |
Генотип HCV |
1 197,00 |
Общий билирубин |
120,00 |
Прямой билирубин |
117,00 |
Щелочная фосфатаза |
124,00 |
138,00 |
Креатинин |
126,00 |
Мочевина |
114,00 |
Мочевая кислота |
216,00 |
Сывороточное железо |
197,00 |
Холестерин |
116,00 |
Амилаза крови |
123,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
4 365,00 |
4 |
Обследование перед беременностью TORCH-инфекции |
Toxo-IgM |
224,00 |
Toxo-IgG -количественно |
206,00 |
Краснуха-IgM |
236,00 |
Краснуха-IgG –количеств |
213,00 |
202,00 |
198,00 |
HSV1.2-IgM |
201,00 |
HSV1.2-IgG |
196,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgG |
189,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgA |
193,00 |
HBsAg |
172,00 |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
85,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
2 573,00 |
5 |
Обследование при лимфаденопатии (увеличение лимфоузлов) |
202,00 |
198,00 |
CMV-IgG авидность |
309,00 |
220,00 |
218,00 |
218,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgA |
193,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgG |
189,00 |
Toxo-IgM |
224,00 |
Toxo-IgG -количественно |
206,00 |
Общий билирубин |
120,00 |
Прямой билирубин |
117,00 |
Щелочная фосфатаза |
124,00 |
138,00 |
182,00 |
169,00 |
70,00 |
181,00 |
128,00 |
Сывороточное железо |
197,00 |
Ферритин |
303,00 |
Амилаза крови |
123,00 |
С-реактивный белок (СРБ) |
362,00 |
Общий анализ крови с лейкоформулой |
309,00 |
85,00 |
220,00 |
218,00 |
218,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
5 528,00 |
6 |
Диагностика паразитарных заболеваний( расширенная) |
Общий Ig E (ИФА) |
169,00 |
Описторхоз IgM (ИФА) |
178,00 |
Описторхоз IgG (ИФА) |
174,00 |
Трихинеллы (IgМ в крови ИФА) |
222,00 |
Трихинеллы (IgG в крови ИФА) |
222,00 |
Эхинококк (антитела в крови.ИФА) |
181,00 |
Токсокары (антитела сум.в крови.ИФА) |
176,00 |
Аскариды (IgG в крови.ИФА) |
194,00 |
Кал на антиген лямблий |
658,00 |
Кал на простейшие эфир-формалиновым методом |
125,00 |
Кал на гельминты эфир-формалиновым методом |
257,00 |
Соскоб на энтеробиоз |
153,00 |
Общий анализ крови с лейкоформулой |
309,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
3 105,00 |
7 |
Обследование при субфебрилитете (повышение температуры до 37,9 гр) |
202,00 |
198,00 |
CMV-IgG авидность |
309,00 |
220,00 |
218,00 |
218,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgA |
193,00 |
Ch.trachomatis-IgG |
189,00 |
Toxo-IgM |
224,00 |
Toxo-IgG -количественно |
206,00 |
Общий билирубин |
120,00 |
Прямой билирубин |
117,00 |
Щелочная фосфатаза |
124,00 |
138,00 |
182,00 |
169,00 |
70,00 |
181,00 |
128,00 |
Сывороточное железо |
197,00 |
Ферритин |
303,00 |
Амилаза крови |
123,00 |
С-реактивный белок (СРБ) |
362,00 |
Общий анализ крови с лейкоформулой |
309,00 |
85,00 |
Кровь на Райта-хеддльсона |
405,00 |
Общий анализ мочи |
113,00 |
220,00 |
218,00 |
HBsAg |
172,00 |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
6 171,00 |
8 |
Обследование перед оперативными вмешательствами |
HBsAg |
172,00 |
Anti HCV |
171,00 |
85,00 |
Забор венозной крови |
87,00 |
515,00 |
Correspondence consultation
Full-time consultation
Foreign citizens located on the territory of the Russian Federation can get a paid consultation at the Consultative and Diagnostic Center
In emergency cases, foreign citizens receive free medical care.
Responsible for organizing medical care for citizens:
Kovalevskaya Olga Ivanovna tel.: 8 (861) 251-65-47
Specialized clinical infectious diseases hospital invites you to undergo a paid examination and consult with our best specialists. In our center you can be vaccinated against various infections. (861) 259-68-80; +7-918-099-59-69
We work with both individuals and legal entities.
If you speak Russian, please contact us at + 7 (861) 253-48-60
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
If you do not speak Russian, please send us an email with a description of your problem, and do not forget to provide your contact number or email address.